

Colonial Instructions: Knowledge, Gentre and Power, 1700-1850. 11-12th of November, 2022. (Note: Link needed)

WORKSHOP schedule here

Workshop poster here


Catarina Madruga, Humanities of Nature, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, “Instruction Manuals: Between Codified Collecting and Colonial Rhetoric”. 26 October 2022, kl. 15.00–16.00 CET. Place: Zoom. To register for the Zoom link, please email instructingnaturalhistory@uu.se


Mareike Vennen, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin “Instructing, Preserving, Infesting: Living and Deadly Environments of Collecting”, 30 November 2022, kl. 15.00–16.00 CET. Place: Zoom. To register for the Zoom link, please email instructingnaturalhistory@uu.se


Tim Fulford, De Montfort University, “Empire of Skulls: Headhunting and the Discourse of Natural History in the Late 18th Century”, 7 December 2022, 15.00–16.00 CET. Place: Zoom. To register for the Zoom link, please email instructingnaturalhistory@uu.se




Humanity on the Move: Race, Landscape and Mobility in the Era of Enlightenment and Colonisation, Brisbane, 2019.

Eighteenth-Century Circulations of Indigenous and Lay Knowledge in the Transatlantic World, Linnaeus University, 2019.


Linda Andersson Burnett & Bruce Buchan, ’Racing the Curricula’: Teaching Human Variety c. 1770-1820’, Intellectual History Seminar Series, Edinburgh University, 2022.

Linda Andersson Burnett, ‘Circulating Scientific Knowledge: Linnaean natural history in the Eighteenth Century’, Keynote lecture at Motions of Knowledge- Knowledge in Motion, Conceptualizing Knowledge Circulation for Historical Research,  15th annual graduate conference in European history, 2021

Linda Andersson Burnett, ‘Displaying Europe’s “Aborigines’: Sámi Indigeneity in Nineteenth-Century Transnational Debates’, Sixth European Congress on World and Global History, Zoom conference, 2021.

Linda Andersson Burnett, ‘Linnaean natural history and colonial collecting’ Opening talk at the Researching Nordic Colonialism – Past, Present, Futures Zoom conference, 2021.

Bruce Buchan, ‘Travels in Space and Time: Progress, War and the Historical Mobilities of Scotland’s Enlightenment’, European University Institute, Department of History and Civilization Colloquium, 2020-2021, Florence.

Linda Andersson Burnett, ‘Linnaean natural history: An eighteenth-century ecology of knowledge’ Keynote lecture, Norwegian Eighteenth-Century Conference Naturen og det naturlige på 1700-talle, 2020.

Bruce Buchan and Silvia Sebastiani, ‘Racing Humanity: Adam Ferguson’s Lectures on Moral Philosophy’, International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Conference, Edinburgh, 2019.

Linda Andersson Burnett, ‘Savage Collections: The collecting and exhibition of Ethnographic Artefacts at the University Museum of Edinburgh c. 1780-1820’ at workshop Humanity on the Move: Race, Landscape and Mobility in the Era of Enlightenment and Colonisation, Brisbane, 2019.

Linda Andersson Burnett, ‘Instructing Enlightenment: Scotland, Sweden and the Colonial Ambitions of Natural History’, The ISECS International Congress on the Enlightenment, The University of Edinburgh, 2019.

Linda Andersson Burnett, ‘A Linnaean Natural History of Man: Ethnographic Teaching at Edinburgh University’, Svenska Historikermötet, 2019.

Bruce Buchan, ‘The Scottish Enlightenment’s Failed History of Colonial America’, Thinking the Empire Whole, Macquarie University, 2019

Bruce Buchan and Annemarie McLaren, ‘Trading Places: Alexander Berry’s Navigation of Humanity as Physician, Merchant, Landowner and Historian’, International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Conference, Edinburgh, 2019.

Bruce Buchan, ‘The Colonial Limits of Universal History in the Scottish Enlightenment: A History in Fragments’, International Society for Intellectual History Conference, Brisbane, 2019.

Bruce Buchan and Annemarie McLaren, ‘Trading Places: Alexander Berry’s Navigation of Humanity as Physician, Merchant, Landowner and Historian’, International Society for Intellectual History Conference, Brisbane, June, 2019.