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Instructing Natural History Research Day

The Orangery, Linnéträdgården, Uppsala


9-9.15am Arrival and Coffee

9.15am Welcome and Introduction

Linda Andersson Burnett, Instructing Natural History

9.30-10.45am Panel 1: Theory and Questions

Millie Schurch, “Joseph Banks and the Instruction of Beauty: Contexts and Concepts”

Leonie Hannan, “Who Instructed Who? Power, Authority and Enquiry in the Pursuit of ‘Useful Knowledge’”

10.45-11am Coffee

11-12pm Panel 2: Groups and Institutions 

Linda Andersson Burnett, “Instructing Race: Edinburgh University's Natural History Museum”

Maria Florutau, “Academies' Prize Questions as Instructions and the Case of the Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences (c. 1770-1800)”

12-1pm Lunch

1-1.30pm Primary Sources

Anna Svensson, “Portable Presses: An Overview of Travellers Pressing Plants in Books”

1.30-1.45pm Break

1.45-3pm Panel 3: People in the Field

Laurence Talairach, “‘Invalids sometimes become sea-weed collectors’ (M. Gatty, British Sea-Weeds (1863)): Victorian Women in the Field”

Hanna Hodacs, “Negotiating Terms and Conditions: Natural History Collection in Theory and Praxis, the case of Adam Afzelius (1790s)

3-3.15pm Coffee

3.15-4.15pm Reflections, Questions and Directions
Open discussion

4.30pm Tour of Linnéträdgården

7pmDinner, Villa Anna

26 April

Seminar - Kelly Wisecup, Query Lists, Animal Parts, & Ethnographic Collections

31 May

Seminar - Sarah Easterby-Smith, Amateur Natural History Collecting in the Eighteenth-century French Empire